One of the limitations of mass-trap deployments for mosquito control has been the availability of Gravid Aedes Traps (GATs). The manufacturer, Biogents is working on increasing production and distribution in the US, but meanwhile they have agreed to supply traps for the UPCMC project.
Residents should purchase, set and maintain 2 GATs per yard (one in the back, the other in the front).

The traps will be delivered to a location in University Park and will be distributed by UPCMC to residents who have donated to "Citizen Action Through Science", Center for Vector Biology at Rutgers.
The funding will be used to support research to measure the effectiveness of this two-step plan to control the Asian Tiger mosquito in University Park. To assess if mass trap deployment works, Rutgers scientists, will make comparisons in number of biting mosquitoes between UP and nearby communities.
You will need to send a check for $30 for two traps (which includes shipping and handling) to Center for Vector Biology – CItizenAcTS, Rutgers University, 180 Jones Ave. New Brunswick, NJ 08901. If residents wish to further support this work, they can give a separate donation or donate more than $30. Please note that there will be a $35 fee for returned checks.
The checks should be written to Center for Vector Biology – CItizen AcTS, Rutgers University. Once we receive the check we will issue an electronic receipt to your email that you will take to the Church of the Brethren, 4413 Tuckerman Street, to obtain your trap. You will notified by email of dates/times to pickup the traps. Thank you!
For more information, email to Thank you!