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Egizi AM, Robbins RG, Beati L, Nava S, Evans CR, Occi JL and DM Fonseca 2019 A pictorial key to differentiate the recently detected exotic Haemaphysalis longicornis Neumann, 1901 (Acari, Ixodidae) from native congeners in North America ZooKeys 818, 117
Jordan RA and A Egizi 2019 The growing importance of lone star ticks in a Lyme disease endemic county: Passive tick surveillance in Monmouth County, NJ, 2006-2016. PLOS One, 14(2): e0211778.
Occi JK, Egizi AM, Robbins RG, and DM Fonseca 2019 Annotated list of the hard ticks (Acari: Ixodida: Ixodidae) of New Jersey. Journal of Medical Entomology, February 8,
Schwab SR, Stone CM, Fonseca DM and NH Fefferman 2019 (Meta) population dynamics determine effective spatial distributions of mosquito‐borne disease control. Ecological Applications,
Allahverdipour HH, Wang Y, Karimi J, Hassanloui RT and R Gaugler 2018 The effect of insect parasitic nematode Strelkovimermis spiculatus on behavioral alterations of the mosquito host Culex pipiens .23rd Plant-Medicine Conference, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Beard CB, Occi J, Bonilla DL, Egizi AM, Fonseca DM et al. 2018 Multistate infestation with the exotic disease–vector tick Haemaphysalis longicornis —United States, August 2017–September 2018. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 67 (47), 1310-1313
Ciota AT, Chin PA, Ehrbar DJ, Micieli MV, Fonseca DM and LD Kramer.2018 Differential effects of temperature and mosquito genetics determine transmissibility of arboviruses by Aedes aegypti in Argentina. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99 (2), 417-424
Coleman, JL, Toledo A and JL Benach 2018 HtrA of Borrelia burgdorferi leads to decreased swarm motility and decreased production of pyruvate. mBio 9:e01136-18.
Egizi A, Martinsen ES, Vuong H, Zimmerman KI, Faraji A and DM Fonseca. 2018 Using bloodmeal analysis to assess disease risk to wildlife at the new northern limit of a mosquito species. EcoHealth 15 (3), 543-554
Gaugler RR, Suman DS, Tao B and Y Wang 2018 Methods and apparatus for management of mosquito populations with habitat sharing heterospecific insects carrying insect growth regulators. US Patent Office App. 15/997, 212
Goodman H, Egizi A, Fonseca DM, Leisnham PT and SL LaDeau 2018 Primary blood-hosts of mosquitoes are influenced by social and ecological conditions in a complex urban landscape. Parasites & Vectors 11 (1), 218: 4
Johnson BJ, Brosch D, Christiansen A, Wells E, Wells M, AF Bhandoola, Milne A, Garrison S, DM Fonseca. 2018 Neighbors help neighbors control urban mosquitoes Sci Rep. 8 (1), 15797
Roiz D, Wilson AL, Scott TW, Fonseca DM, Jourdain F, Müller P, Velayudhan R and V Corbel 2018 Integrated Aedes management for the control of Aedes -borne diseases. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12 (12), e0006845
Schwab SS, Stone CM, Fonseca DM and NH Fefferman 2018 The importance of being urgent: the impact of surveillance target and scale on mosquito-borne disease control. Epidemics 23, 55-63
Toledo A, Huang Z and JL Benach 2018 Analysis of lipids and lipid rafts in Borrelia. In: Pal U., Buyuktanir O. (eds) Borrelia burgdorferi. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1690. Humana Press, New York, NY
Toledo A, Huang Z, Coleman JK, London E and JL Benach 2018 Lipid rafts can form in the inner and outer membranes of Borrelia burgdorferi and have different properties and associated proteins. Molecular Microbiology 108(1): 63-76
Unlu I, Faraji A, Williams GM, Marcombe S, Fonseca DM and R Gaugler. 2018 Truck‐mounted area‐wide applications of larvicides and adulticides for extended suppression of adult Aedes albopictus . Pest Management Science
Valentin RE, Fonseca DM, Nielsen AL, Leskey TC and JL Lockwood 2018 Early detection of invasive exotic insect infestations using eDNA from crop surfaces. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16(5): 265-270
Valentin RE, Lockwood JL, Mathys BA and DM Fonseca 2018 Influence of invasion history on rapid morphological divergence across island populations of an exotic bird. Ecology and Evolution 8 (11), 5291-5302
Castelli P and L Reed 2017
Use of stable isotopes to distinguish wild from pen-raised Northern Bobwhite. Wildlife Society Bulletin.
Corbel V, Fonseca D, Weetman D et al. 2017 International workshop on insecticide resistance in vectors of arboviruses. December 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Parasites and Vectors 10:278 DOI 10.1186/s13071-017-2224-3
Egizi A, Fefferman NH, Jordan RA. 2017 Relative risk for ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease in an area where vectors for both are sympatric, New Jersey, USA . Emerg Infect Dis. 2017;23(6):939-945.
Johnson B, S Ritchie and D Fonseca 2017 The state of the art of lethal oviposition trap-based mass intervention for arboviral control Insects 8(1): 5
Schulze T, R A Jordan, M Williams and M C Dolan 2017 Evaluation of the SELECT tick control system (TCS), a host-targeted bit box, to reduce exposure to Ixodes sxapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in a Lyme disease endemic area of New Jersey . Journal of Medical Entomology,
Unlu I, A Faraji, M Morganti, R Vaeth, K Akaratovic, J Kiser, C Abadam and D Kline 2017 Reduced performance of a PVC-coated Biogents Sentinel prototype in comparison to the original Biogents Sentinel for monitoring the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus , in temperate North America. PLoS One, March 20 2017,
Unlu I, D Suman, Y Wang, K Klingler, A Faraji and R Gaugler 2017 Effectiveness of autodisemmination stations containing pyriproxifen in reducing immature Aedes albopictus populations . Parasites and Vector, 10:139, DOI 10.1186/s13071-017-2034-7
Vuong H, GS Chiu, PE Smouse, D Fonseca, D Brisson, P Morin and R Ostfeld 2017 Influences of host community characteristics on Borrelia burgdorferi infection prevalence in black-legged ticks. PLoS ONE, January 17,
Chandel K, DS Suman, Y Wang, I Unlu, E Williges, G Williams and R Gaugler 2016 Targeting a hidden enemy: pyriproxyfen autodissemination strategy for the control of the container mosquito Aedes albopictus in cryptic habitats. PLoS: Neglected Tropical Diseases December 29
Chaulk AC, KP Carson, HG Whitney, DM Fonseca and TW Chapman 2016 The arrival of the northern house mosquito Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) on Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula. Journal of Medical Entomology 53(6): 1364-1369.
Corbel V, NL Achee, F Chandre, MB Coulibaly, I Dusfour, DM Fonseca… 2016 Tracking insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors of arboviruses: The worldwide insecticide resistance network (WIN). PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Dec 1,
Egizi A, J Kiser, C Abadam and DM Fonseca 2016 The hitchiker’s guide to becoming invasive: Exotic mosquitoes spread across a US state by human transport not autonomous flight . Molecular Ecology, 25: 3033-3047
Faraji A, I Unlu, T Crapeau, S Healy, S Crans, G Lizarrago, D Fonseca and R Gaugler 2016 Droplet characterization and penetration of an ultra-low volume mosquito adulticide spray targeting the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus , with urban and suburban environments of Northeastern USA. PLoS ONE April 26,
Gaugler R 2016 Medical entomology for students (review). American Entomologist 62(2): 130-130.
Rivera M, C Rodriguez-Saone, A Egizi, DM Fonseca, DE Jennings and AM Koppenhöfer 2016 Cultication and domestication of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum ) alters adunadance, diversity and virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 222:148-155
Thomson JR, DM Fonseca, CM Finelli, B Farouk and DD Hart 2016 Scale-dependent relationships between suspension-feeding stream insects and water velocity in spatially heterogeneous flow environments. Freshwater Biology 61(1): 133-145 http://dx.doi/10.1111/fwb.12688
Valentin RE, B Maslo, JL Lockwood, J Pote and DM Fonseca 2016 Real-time PCR assay to detect brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), in environmental DNA. Pest Management Science 72: 1854-1861
Egizi A, Fefferman NH and D Fonseca 2015
Evidence that implicit assumptions of 'no evolution' of disease
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Egizi A and DM Fonseca 2015
Ecological limits can obscure expansion history: patterns of
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Faraji, A and R Gaugler. 2015
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Fonseca DM, Kaplan, LR, Heiry RA and D
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Hashmi S, Wang Y, Suman DS, Parhar RS,
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Johnson BJ and DM Fonseca 2015
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Johnson BJ, Robson MG and DM Fonseca 2015
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Rochlin I, Kawalkowsi M and DV Ninivaggi 2015
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Suman DS, Wang, Y and R Gaugler. 2015
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Dong L, Sanad M, Wang Y, Xu Yanli, Muhammad S and R. Gaugler 2014
Mating clusters in the mosquito parasitic nematode, Strelkovimermis
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Faraji A, Egizi A, Fonseca D, Unlu I, Crepeau T, Healy SP and R Gaugler 2014
Comparative host feeding patterns of the asian tiger mosquito, Aedes
albopictus , in urban and suburban northeastern USA and implications for
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Halasa YA, Shepard DS, Fonseca DM, Farajollahi A, Healy S, Gaugler R, Bartlett-Healy K, Strickman, DA and GG Clark 2014 Quantifying the impact of mosquitoes on quality of life and enjoyment of yard and porch activities in New Jersey (175k PDF) PLoS ONE 9(3): e89221. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089221
Kaufman MG and DM Fonseca 2014 Invasion Biology of
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Marcombe S, Farajollahi A, Healy SP, Clark GG and DM Fonseca 2014
Insecticide resistance status of United States populations of Aedes albopictus and mechanisms involved
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Suman DS, Farajollahi A, Healy S, Williams GM, Wang Y, Schoeler G and R
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Point-source and area-wide field studies of pyriproxyfen autodisemmination
against urban container-inhabiting mosquitoes
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Sun D, Indelicato N, Petersen J, Williges E, Unlu I and A Farajollahi 2014
Susceptibility of field-collected mosquitoes in central New Jersey
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Sun D, Williges E, Unlu I, Healy S, WIlliams GM, Obenhauer P, Hughes T,
Schoeler G, Gaugler R, Fonseca D and A Farajollahi 2014
Taming a tiger in the city: Comparison of motorized backpack applications
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Unlu I, Faraji A, Indelicato N and D Fonseca 2014
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Unlu I and A Farajollahi 2014
A multiyear surveillance for Aedes albopictus with Biogents sentinel
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Unlu I, Farajollahi A, Rochlin I, Crepeau T, Strickman D and R Gaugler 2014
Differences in male-female ratios of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)
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Armstrong PM, Anderson JF, Farajollahi A, Healy SP, Unlu I, Crepeau T, Gaugler R, Fonseca DM and TG Andreadis. 2013 Isolations of Cache Valley virus from Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in New Jersey and evaluation of its role as a regional arbovirus vector (270k PDF) J Med Ent 50(6): 1310-1314. DOI: .
Bai X, Adams BJ, Ciche TA, Clifton S, Gaugler R, Kim K-s, Spieth J, Sternberg PW, Wilson RK, and PS Grewal. 2013 A lover and a fighter: The genome sequence of an entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (1034k PDF) PLoS ONE 8:7 e69618. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069618.
Crepeau T, Healy S, Bertlett-Haly K, Unlu I, Farajollahi A and D. Fonseca. 2013 Effects of Biogents sentinel trap field placement on capture rates of asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albop ictus (1861k PDF) PLoS ONE 8:3 e60524. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060524.
Farajollahi A, Healy SP, Unlu I, Gaugler R and DM Fonseca. 2013 Effectiveness of ultra-low volume nighttime applications of an adulticide against diurnal Aedes albopictus , a critical vector of dengue and chikungunya viruses (507k PDF) PLoS ONE 7:11 e49181 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049181.
Farajollahi A and D Price. 2013 A rapid identification guide for larvae of the most common North American container-inhabiting Aedes species of medical importance (2080k PDF) . JAMCA 29(3): 203-221.
Farajollahi A and G Williams. 2013 An open-field efficacy trial using Aquaduet™ via an ultra-low volume cold aerosol sprayer against caged Aedes albopictus (448k PDF) . JAMCA 29(3): 304-308.
Farajollahi A, Williams G, Condon GC, Kesavaraju B, Unlu I and R. Gaugler. 2013 Assessment of a direct application of two Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis formulations for immediate and residual control of Aedes albopictus (185k PDF) . JAMCA 29(4): 385-388.
Fonseca D, Unlu I, Crepeau T, Farajollahi A, Healy SP, Bartlett-Healy K, Strickman D, Gaugler R, Hamilton G, Kline D, Clark GC. 2013 Area-wide management of Aedes albopictus . Part 2: Gauging the efficacy of traditional integrated pest control measures against urban container mosquitoes (414k PDF) Pest Manage Sci doi:10.1002/ps.3511.
Gaugler R. 2013 2013 AMCA Memorial Lecture: Tommy Mulhern and the lost crusade (1468k PDF) JAMCA 29(2): 181-190.
Rochlin I, Gaugler R, Williges E and A Farajollahi. 2013 The rise of the invasives and decline of the natives: insights revealed from adult populations of container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in temperate North America. (800k PDF). Biol Invasions 15:5 991-1003 doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0345-3.
Rochlin I, Ninivaggi D, Hutchinson ML and A Farajollahi. 2013 Climate change and range expansion of the asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus ) in northeastern USA: Implications for public health practitioners (3046k PDF) PLoS ONE 8:4 e60874. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060874.
Suman D, Wang Y, Bilgrami AL and R Gaugler. 2013 Ovicidal activity of three insect growth regulators against Aedes and Culex mosquitoes (1349k PDF) Acta Tropica 128:103-109.
Suman D, Wang Y, Dong L and R Gaugler. 2013 Effects of larval habitat substrate on pyriproxyfen efficacy against Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) (157k PDF) J Med Ent 50(6):1261-1266. DOI:
Unlu I, Farajollahi A, Strickman D and D Fonseca. 2013
Crouching tiger, hidden trouble: Urban sources of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) refractory to source-reduction (886k PDF) PlosOne 8(10): e77999. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077999
Wang Y, Suman DS, Bertrand J, Dong L and R Gaugler. 2013
Dual-treatment autodissemination station with enhanced transfer of an insect
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Worobey J, Fonseca D, Espinosa C, Healy S and R Gaugler. 2013 Child outdoor physical activity is reduced by prevalence of the asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (45k PDF) JAMCA 29(1): 78-80.
Zhan L, Wang Y, Xu Y, Pei X, Liu Z. 2013 New method for population density detection of EPN in soil (1673k PDF) Soil and Crop 2(2): 71-76. doi: 10. 11689 /j. issn. 2095 - 2961.
Bartlett-Healy K, Unlu I, Obenauer P, Hughes T, Healy S, Crepeau T, Farajollahi A, Kesavaraju B, Fonseca D, Schoeler G, Gaugler R and D Strickman. 2012
Larval mosquito habitat utilization and community dynamics of Aedes albopictus and Aedes japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae). (397k PDF) J. Med Entomol 49(4):813-824.
Farajollahi A, Healy S, Unlu I, Gaugler R, and D Fonseca 2012
Effectiveness of ultra-low volume nighttime applications of an adulticide against diurnal Aedes albopictus , a critical vector of dengue and chikungunya viruses. (514k PDF) PLoS ONE 7(11): e49181. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049171
Farajollahi A, and S. Crans. 2012
A checklist of the mosquitoes of New Jersey with notes on established invasive species. (52k PDF) JAMCA. 28(3): 237-239.
Halasa YA, Shepard DS, Wittenberg E, Fonseca DM, Farajollahi A, Healy S, Gaugler R, Strickman D and G. Clark. 2012
Willingness-to-pay for an area-wire integrated pest management program to control the asian tiger mosquito in New Jersey. (382k PDF) JAMCA. 28(3): 225-236.
Kesavaraju B, Farajollahi A, Lampman RL, Hutchinson M, Krasavin NM, Graves SE and Dickinson S. 2012
Evaluation of a rapid analyte measurement platform for West Nile detection based on United Sates Mosquito Control Programs. (639k PDF) Am. J. Trp. Med. Hyg. 87(2): 359-363.
Rochlin I, Gaugler R, Willeges E, and A. Farajollahi. 2012
The rise of the invasives: insights revealed from adult populations of container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in temperate North America. Biological Invasions, (823k PDF) DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0345-3.
Suman D, Healy S, Farajollahi A, Crans S and R Gaugler. 2012
Efficacy of DUETTM dual-action adulticide against caged Aedes albopictus with the use of an ultra-low volume cold aerosol sprayer. (47k PDF) JAMCA, 28(4):338-310.
Suman D, Brey C, Wang Y, Sanad M, Shamseldean M and R Gaugler. 2012
Effects of insect growth regulators on the mosquito-parasitic nematode Romanomermis iyengari . (975k PDF) Parasit. Res. DOI 10.1007/s00436-012-3201-6
Unlu, I and A. Farajollahi. 2012
To catch a tiger in a concrete juncle: Operational challenages for trapping Aedes albopictus in an urban environment. (183k PDF) JAMCA, 28(4):334-337.
Unlu, I and A. Farajollahi. 2012
Vectors without borders: Imminent arrival, establishment and public health implications of the asian bush (Aedes japonicus ) and the asian tiger (Aedes albopictus ) mosquitoes in Turkey. (1MB PDF) Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40(1): 23-36.
Wang Y, Lutfi Z, Dong L, Suman D, Sanad M and R Gaugler. 2012
Host cues induce hatching and pre-parasitic foraging behavior in the mosquito parasitic nematode, Strelkovimermis spiculatus . (625k PDF) Inter. Journal for Parasit. 42:881-886.
Wang Q, Nangong Z, Yang J, Wang Y, Cui L, and Cui L. 2012 Toxic activity of a protein complex purified from Xenorhabdus nematophila HB310 to Plu tella xylostella larvae (661k PDF) Insect Science 19: 329-336. DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2011.01472.x
Bartlett-Healy K, Healy S, and GC Hamilton. 2011
A model to predict evaporation rates in habitats used by container-dwelling mosquitoes. (156k PDF) J Med Ent 48(3):7
Bartlett-Healy K, Hamilton G, Healy S, Crepeau T, Unlu I, Farajollahi A, Fonseca D, Gaugler R, Clark GG, and D Strickman. 2011
Source reduction behavior as an independent measurement of the impact of a pucli health education campaign in an integrated vector management program for the asian tiger mosquito. (426k PDF) Int J Environ Res Public Health 8:1358-1367
Farajollahi, A, Fonseca, D, Kramer, L, and AM Kilpatrick. 2011
"Bird biting" mosquitoes and human diseases: A review of the role of Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes in epidemiology. (463k PDF) Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11:1577-1585.
Farajollahi, A, Condon, G., Campbell, E and L. McCuiston. 2011
Glass, rubber and nylon: How to make a mouth aspirator on a budget for handling adult mosquitoes. (154k PDF) JAMCA 27(4): 444-446.
Gaugler, R, Suman, D., and Y Yank. 2011
An autodissemination station for the transfer of an insect growth regulator to mosquito oviposition sites. (830k PDF) Med and Vet Entomol doi:10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.0097.x.
Kesavaraju B, Khan DF and R Gaugler. 2011
Behavioral differences of invasive container-dwelling mosquitoes to a native predator. (118k PDF) J. Med Entomol 48(3): 526-532.
Kesavaraju B, Brey C, Farajollahi A, Evans H, and R Gaugler. 2011
Effects of malathion on larval competition between Aedes albopictus and Aedes atropalpus (Diptera: Culicidae). (373k PDF) J. Med Entomol 48(2): 479-484.
Price D, Gunther DE, and R Gaugler. 2011
First collection records of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from New Jersey. (58k PDF) J Med Entomol 48(2): 476-478.
Schultze T, Jordan RA, White JC, Roegner V and Healy SP. 2011
Geographical distribution and prevalence of selected Borrelia, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia infections in Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) in New Jersey. (1.1MB PDF) JAMCA 27(3):236-244.
Unlu I, Farajollahi A, Healy SP, Crepeau T, Bartlett-Healy K, Willeges E, Strickman D, Clark GG, Gauler R, and DM Fonseca. 2011
Area-wide management of Aedes albopictus : choice of study sites based on geospatial charateristics, socioeconomic factors and mosquito populations. (417k PDF) Pest Manag. Sci. DOI 10.1002/ps.2140
Clayson PJ, Latham M, Bonds JAS, Healy SP, Crans SC, and A Farajollahi. 2010
A droplet collection device and support system for ultra low-volume adulticide trials. (233k PDF) JAMCA 26(2):229-232.
Fonseca DM, Widdel A, Spichiger S-E, Hutchinson M and LD Kramer. (2010) Fine-scale spatial and temporal population genetics of a new US mosquito, reveal multiple introductions. Mol Ecol 13:3919-3930.
Kesavaraju, B, A Afify, B Alto and R Gaugler. 2010.
Malathion influences competition between Aedes albopictus and Aedes japonicus . (289k PDF) J Med Entomol 47(6): 1011-1018.
Nelder, M, B Kesavaraju, A Farajollahi, S Healy, I Unlu, T Crepeau, D Fonseca and R Gaugler. 2010.
Suppressing Aedes albopictus , an emerging vector of dengue and chikungunya viruses, by a novel combination of a monomolecular film and insect-growth regulator. (628k PDF) Amer J Trop Med & Hyg 82:831-7.
Adhikari, B, C Lin, X Bai, T Ciche, P Grewal, A Dillman, J Chaston, D Shapiro, A Bilgrami, R Gaugler, P Sternberg and B Adams. 2009.
Transcriptional profiling of trait deterioration in the insect pathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora . (706k PDF) BMC Genomics 10:609 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-609.
Bai, X, B Adams, T Ciche, S Clifton, R Gaugler, S Hogenhout, J Spieth, P Sternberg and P Grewal. 2009.
Transcriptomic analysis of the entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora TT01. (634k PDF) BMC Genomics 10:205 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-205.
Bartlett-Healy, K, W Crans and R Gaugler. 2009.
Vertebrate hosts and phylogenetic relationships of amphibian trypanosomes from a potential invertebrate vector, Culex territans . (220k PDF) J Parasitol 95:381-7.
Bataille A, Cunningham AA, Cedeño V, Cruz M, Eastwood G, Fonseca DM, Causton CE, Azuero R, Loayza J, Cruz Martinez JD and Goodman SJ. 2009. Evidence for regular on-going introductions of mosquito disease vectors into the Galápagos Islands. Proc Roy Soc Lond, Ser B. 276:3769-75.
Brey, C, M Nelder, T Hailemariam, R Gaugler and S Hashmi. 2009.
Krüppel-like family of transcription factors: an emerging new frontier in fat biology. (657k PDF) Intern J Biol Sci 5:622-36.
Cameron E, RC Wilkerson, M Mogi, Toma T, Myiagi I, Kim H-C and DM Fonseca. 2010. Molecular phylogenetics of Aedes japonicus , a disease vector that recently invaded Western Europe, North America, and the Hawaiian Islands. J Med Entomol 47(4):527-535.
Condon GC, Clayson PJ, Williges E, and A Farajollahi. 2009.
A Simplified Tripod Support for Use with Carbon-Dioxide Baited Vector Surveillance Traps. (387k PDF) J. American Mosquito Control Association. 25(2): 221-223
Condon GC, Healy SP, and A Farajollahi. 2009.
Sentinel Chicken Coop Modification for Canopy-Level Arbovirus Disease Surveillance. (805k PDF) J. American Mosquito Control Association 25(3): 390-393
Ary Farajollahi, Banugopan Kesavaraju, Mark P. Nelder, Scott C. Crans and Randy Gaugler. 2009.
A Unique Larval Collection and Survival of Orthopodomyia signifera In the Presence of the Predator Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis 2009. (362k PDF) J. American Mosquito Control Association 25(3): 370-373
Ary Farajollahi, Banugopan Kesavaraju, Dana C. Price, Gregory M. Wiliams, Sean P. Healy, Randy Gaugler and Mark P. Nelder. 2009.
Field Efficacy of BG-Sentinel and Industry Standard Traps for Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) and West Nile Virus Surveillance. (180k PDF) J. Med. Entomol. 46(4): 919-925
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Andrew D. Haddow, John K. Moulton, Reid R. Gerhardt, Linda J. McCuiston, and Carl J. Jones. 2009.
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Kesavaraju, B, A Afify & R Gaugler. 2009.
Growth and survival of the invasive Aedes albopictus larvae on Diospyrus virginiana (American persimmon) leaves. (168k PDF) J Med Entomol 46(3):465-470
Koppenhöfer, H & R Gaugler. 2009. Entomopathogenic nematode and bacteria mutualism. In "Defensive Mutualism in Microbial Symbiosis" (J White & M Torres, Eds), pp. 99-116. Taylor & Francis.
Li, X, R Cowles, E Cowles, R Gaugler & D Cox-Foster. 2009.
Characterization of immunosuppressive surface coat proteins from Steinernema glaseri that selectively kill blood cells in susceptible hosts. (629k PDF) Mol Biochem Parasitol 165:162-9.
Molaei, G, A. Farajollahi, P.M Armstrong, J. Oliver, J.J. Howard, T.G. Andreadis . 2009.
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Moleai, G, Farajollahi A, Scott JJ, Gaugler R and Andreadis T. 2009.
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Reed, Lisa M, Michael A. Johansson, Nicholas Panella, Robert McLean, Terry Creekmore, Rose Puelle and Nicholas Komar. 2009.
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Williges, E, A Farajollahi, M Nelder & R Gaugler. 2009.
Comparative field analysis of rapid analyte measurement platform and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assays for West Nile virus surveillance. (495k PDF) J Vect Ecol 34:324-8.
Zhang, J, C Huang, C Brey, M Rodriguez, Y Oksov, R Gaugler & S Hashmi. 2009.
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Bartlett-Healy, K, Crans, W, and Gaugler, R. 2008.
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Terry L. Schulze, Robert A. Jordan, Christopher J. Schulz and Sean P. Healy. 2008.
Suppression of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) Following Annual Habitat-Targeted Acaricide Applications Against Fall Populations of Adults. (119k PDF) J. American Mosquito Control Association. 24(4): 566-570.
L. Schulze, Robert A. Jordan, Marc C. Dolan, Gabrielle Dietrich, Sean P. Healy, and Joseph Piesman. 2008.
Ability of 4-Poster Passive Topical Treatment Devices for Deer to Sustain Low Population Levels of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) After Integrated Tick Management in a Residential Landscape. (654k PDF) J. Med. Entomol. 45(5): 899-904. Nelder, M. and Gaugler, R. NJAES Fact Sheet: New Jersey Black Flies
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K. Bartlett-Healy, W.J Crans, and R. Gaugler 2007.
Phonotaxis to Amphibian Vocalizations in Culex territans (Diptera: Culicidae). (183k PDF) Annals of the Entomological Society of America 101(1): 95-103
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Shamseldean, M.M., E.G. Platzer, and R. Gaugler. 2007.
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Detection of West Nile viral RNA from an overwintering pool of Culex pipiens pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) in New Jersey, 2003. (77k PDF) Journal of Medical Entomology. 42: 490-494.
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Detection of West Nile virus RNA from the louse fly Icosta americana (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. (304k PDF) 21: 474-476.
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Apperson, C.S., H.K. Hassan, B.A. Harrison, H.M. Savage, S.E. Aspen, A. Farajollahi, W. Crans, T.J. Daniels, R.C. Falco, M. Benedict, M. Anderson, L. McMillen, and T.R. Unnasch. 2004.
Host feeding patterns of established and potential mosquito vectors of West Nile virus in the eastern United States. (934k PDF) Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 4: 71-82.
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Farajollahi, A., R. Gates, W. Crans, and N. Komar. 2004.
Serologic evidence of West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis virus infections in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus ) from New Jersey, 2001. (61k PDF) Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 4: 379-383.
Farajollahi, A., N.A. Panella, P. Carr, W. Crans, K. Burguess, and N. Komar. 2003.
Serologic evidence of West Nile virus infection in black bears (Ursus americanus ) from New Jersey. (72k PDF) Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 39: 894-896.
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Expanded polystyrene (EPS) floats for surveillance of Ochlerotatus japonicus . (785k PDF) Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 19: 376-381.
Bosak, P.J., L.M. Reed, and W.J. Crans. 2001.
Habitat preference of host-seeking Coquillettidia perturbans (Walker) in relations to birds and eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus in New Jersey. (581k PDF) Journal of Vector Ecology. 26: 103-109.
Fonseca, D.M., S. Campbell, W.J. Crans, M. Mogi, I, Miyagi, T. Toma, M. Bullians, T.G. Andreadis, R.L. Berry, B. Pagac, M.R. Sardellis, and R.C. Wilkerson. 2001.
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